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This is so cuteeeee i love it its so romantic keep it up the vn i hoping it will get an Android version to🫶🏻


Android pkease🥺🥺


Me: Enter the apartment

Also me: Get jumpscare by bara tiddies 😂😭


10/10 would recommend a longer version of this game :3

somebody almost turned me into a furry-


as a furry i cringed at this,  maybe you are more furry than me lol




cool game, you should add longer chapters... why don't you make Bland smaller and as the story progress accordling with the mc decisions bland grows more... anyway just a sugestion


yes this will be a good idea i just thinks hes a bit too big atm


It would be fun a game where the character changes accordingly with their interaction with the MC


Thanks for the game. Blan was very cute. I would like to play a longer game of this story.


Blan moobs go brrr


the honkers...i wanna squish them..

This was so cute, I'm so proud of you for getting out there! I saw you say that you may add more chapters, and I really hope you do! The Blan fanbase is growing, all because of your lovely self. Thanks for everything

That was neat:)



I really wish I had a computer to enjoy this because I love the asmr content. For now, I shall look for a youtube video of it and give a reply of my thoughts!

(1 edit) (+1)

you twisted my brain in many ways, especially with those close up's, those made me shut my computer faster than you could say WHA(edit im still not done reading it)




Android Please


Uhm android maybe...?

His color reminds me of Tail from Sonic xD kekeke cute

I couldn't stop laughing


This is still just the demo right ?


maybe "working proof of concept!" I am thinking maybe I will make more chapters in the future or continue it! So adding on it bit by bit here and there!


I was flashed... with so many pecs... HE SO ADORABLE!!!! >////





Its so cute. Im already loving the story of the game. 🤩🤲💖

thanks so much!!


Aww gonna play now